Computing technologies play a crucial part in allowing for effective research within the university environment. The Instructional and Research Computing Center (IRCC) was established by the Division of Information Technology to provide technologies for faculty and students to enhance their academic curriculum and research.

The IRCC offers a High-Performance Computing (HPC) resource that allows faculty, along with their students, to examine more complex scientific and engineering problems that would otherwise be impossible to solve without this large-scale computing power. Analyzing large-scale problems requires the ability to process and store large data sets. The HPC accommodates these needs by providing a powerful, flexible computing environment to FIU scientists and engineers. Our system is used across diverse fields, spanning bioinformatics and genomics, psychology, physics, and business and security research. Additionally, we support and encourage the use of the HPC in courses in order to give our students experience in actual research computing environments.

The IRCC also offers cloud-based virtual computing labs through Azure Lab Services. We work with faculty to create virtual computing environments that allow for computer labs to be conducted remotely.