Archive for the Uncategorized Category

VPN Guide

All HPC resources can be accessed without any extra steps while you are connected to FIU’s wired or wireless networks. If you are off campus you must be connected to FIU’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) first. Please  follow step by step instructions listed in VPNGuides to setup

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FIU researchers published

An FIU research group, comprised of several students and faculty, have published a paper in the Nature Scientific Journal. “We have got a very nice paper. It is published online today. The 3D results of this paper was possible only because of cluster. Thank you so

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Faculty published with HPC

Several FIU faculty and researchers have published their research findings in theJournal of Physical Chemistry B with results obtained using the HPC systems at the IRCC. Dr. Prem P. Chapagain, Dr. Bernard S. Gerstman, Jeevan B. GC, and Yuba R. Bhandari have published the following article: Molecular

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Distributed storage system

FIU’s IRCC attended the SSERCA meeting at USF to design a distributed computing and storage system. The system will allow geographically distributed SSERCA member institutions to share computing and storage resources to enhance scientific and educational collaboration. SSERCA is building a federated identity management system using open-source

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GPU expansion

The Panther cluster was expanded with 4 additional GPU Nodes. These are in addition to the 2 GPU nodes already in the cluster, increasing the available GPU power to 6 nodes. The new nodes were purchased from Dell, and house very powerful Nvidia Tesla K20 GPUs.  Users

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IRCC at Supercomputing

The IRCC attended SuperComputing 2013 in Denver, Colorado as part of SSERCA (Sunshine State Educational Resource Alliance) at the conference. SC13 provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet and talk with the world’s leading experts in HPC, networking, storage and analysis. One of the main ideas discussed at

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Panther cluster expands

The FIU Panther cluster has expanded with the addition of 448 cores, bringing the total cores to 828 cores. Further expansion is coming soon. The Panther cluster is growing rapidly as the IRCC continues to add resources and computational power to this new high performance computing system.

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GPU added to cluster

The IRCC has added GPU nodes to the Panther cluster. The first two GPU nodes add GPU computation power to the Panther cluster. These two GPU systems, initially named Frankie & Benjy, were donated to the IRCC from FIU’s Earth Sciences department. They will allow users to

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Panther cluster now available

The IRCC is happy to announce that the new Panther cluster is available for use. The Panther cluster will approximately be a 1500 core cluster. 380 cores are currently available with more on the way. This cluster has a 10 GB high-speed data network and 1 GB

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HPC cluster coming spring 2013

After rolling out VCL and SMP services, the IRCC will be focusing on bringing up an HPC cluster that can be used by all FIU faculty and their students. This initial cluster will consist of 380 cores and is expected to be available by spring semester 2013.

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