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Panther Cluster
- Hardware
- Over 3000 Intel-Based CPU cores
- High Memory Nodes with up to 1.5 TB of RAM/node
- Over 500 TB of High-Performance Parallel Storage
- 56 Gbps InfiniBand network for parallel computing
- GPU nodes
- Remote Desktop GUI
- Storage
- Shared scratch space
- 47 of NVME High Performance Parallel Storage (Lustre)
- User home directories
- Uses shared Parallel Storage (Lustre)
- Long-term archival storage available
- Off-site backup of data available
- Shared scratch space
- Slurm Scheduler
- Jobs are submitted through Slurm Workload Manager
- Software
- Over 200 software and analysis tools are pre-installed on the cluster:
Matlab (parallel) | MIRA |
R | MitoFinder |
COMSOL | Molpro |
Stata | Singularity |
Compilers (Intel, PGI, gnu) | SPAdes |
AMBER | FreeBayes |
CHARMM | mothur |
NAMD | MrBayes |
Gaussian | SRA Toolkit |
QChem | Stacks |
Trinity | MUSCLE |
Trinotate | Gaussian |
SAMtools | NextDenovo |
BamTools | NextFlow |
Jupyter | NextPolish |
MaSuRCA | Trimmomatic |
RSEM | Trim Galore |
Salmon | Velvet |
Exonerate | Winnowmap |
SIDR | OrthoFinder |
Seqtk | Picard Tools |
FastQC | Pilon |
FastQC | InterProScan |
Minimap2 | Jupyter |
And many more, with additional tools added by request.